Hutch's Outdoors

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The gear that takes me into the woods...

Admittedly, mine is minimal. The pack itself is nothing special. It's actually a computer backpack that I got from the National Guard office in Arlington. I attached straps to the bottom for the bedroll and tent. I attached two ALICE pouches to where the shoulder straps used to be, one holds a roll of jute twine, the other is empty at the moment, but it will fit a very small first aid kit- even at that size, it's an improvement over the first aid kit I've had for years that was simply, "try not to injure yourself!" :lol: 



This is the 'main pack's' contents- a skillet, a candle, a tin of charcloth and natural tinder, extra wool socks, saw, corkscrew, sharpening kit (the extra hatchet head I use as an improvised wedge), a mess kit for cookin' beans, about 150ft of paracord, coffee (I bring more than that, I'm a coffee addict, since I don't drink), Ramen noodles, and salt and pepper. 

Not pictured are the two side containers, and that's simply because one side only carries a water bottle, the other carries my camera, extra batteries, and snare wire.

Also not pictured is the middle pack. It is empty now, because that's where I put the main foodstores. Generally, red beans or black-eyed peas make up this portion; occasionally rice as well. Also, I bring a head of garlic, jalapeno peppers, jerky, and bacon, though I'm switchin' that up to salt pork as from all indications it lasts longer. Soon, the salt and pepper will be out of the plastic bags, and be placed in small wooden holders I plan on making out of tree limbs. Soon, I'll also carry a small amount of seed in there, too, but that's for a later date. 

My belt:

On here is my Cold Steel Kukri sheathed in the first sheath I ever made (I plan on posting another 'topic' right after this with the pictures for that). The pouch attached to that sheath is removable and can easily be hung from the neck if needed. Inside is a small compass, piece of flint, and about 10 ft of cord.

The smaller pouch contains iodine tablets, a small amount of snare wire, another piece of flint, and matches.

The larger pouch is my 'gold mine'. Inside it is my full fire kit. Flint, steel, natural tinder, jute twine, and charcloth. Another tin satisfies my sewing needs. The last tin is my fishing kit. The last two are in Altoids tins, so thanks to you Brits out there for them! :dblthumb: Also, there is more snare wire, and, when I have a little more time, I'll be adding an antler tipped awl. Also, there is my caping knife, fire rod, Old Timer sharpening hone (I just got it a couple weeks ago, and I LOVE it), and my Old Trusty Buck Vanguard that I've carried forever.

That's it...I guess the only thing I didn't mention was my map, which I carry simply in my jean pocket. When I get a proper kettle, I'll be able to eliminate the mess kit and fry pan (thinking about keeping the pan in there, anyway). However, our economy sucks, and I'm poor for the moment....I can easily make due with this, since it's not changed in a while. The newest additions are the belt pouches and the sheath. Feel free to critique at will, I have tough skin. :mrgreen:

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